CCRA’s identifier is AEJ (KAEJ). General flight information and supplemental resources can be found on the AirNav website. AWOS and weather data analysis is available, as is ARNAV (GPS) approach.
CCRA sits on a mesa above the intersection of US 285 and US 24. It is located in a valley that is closely surrounded on three sides by mountains. This topography creates what is called a ‘blue hole.’ Throughout most of the year, the sky above the airport is cloudless, even though the surrounding mountains may be shrouded by clouds. Consequently, the airport enjoys many more days of visibility than most mountain airfields.
SERVICES & FEES: Please reference the Airport Fees document for a list of the services we provide and their associated fees.
UAS / DRONE PILOTS: Please give us a call at (719) 395-3496 and let us know if you will be operating in the area of the airport so we can relay that information to aircraft. Please reference the FAA’s UAS website for rules and regulations that apply to your specific situation.
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Young Eagles
CCRA participates in the EAA’s Young Eagles program, which affords kids 8-17 the opportunity to take their first free ride in an airplane. The purpose of the program is to introduce kids to the world of aviation, fostering an appreciation for flight that will last a lifetime.
Flight Club
CCRA does not currently have a flight club. Please contact us if you have a flight club that would like to be based at our airport.

Reach Medical
Coverage for air ambulance services is available by subscription for all transport supplied by an AirMedCare Network provider. Contact Reach Medical for more information.
Life Flight
Emergency life flights are critical, but they don’t have to be financially devastating. Verify your insurance coverage here.

Chaffee County Search and Rescue-North
Chaffee County Search and Rescue-North is a nonprofit, all volunteer organization operating under the direction of the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office. Its mission is to provide search and rescue services, as well as outdoor safety education, at no cost to the public.
CCRA hosts Chaffee County Search and Rescue training and first response in the event of accident or natural disaster in the surrounding wilderness.

Ground leases are available for individuals and firms interested in constructing hangars for private or commercial use. Please inquire with the Airport Manager regarding hangar space for long-term lease.
Inspection authorized (IA) mechanic Ralph Croft is available for the following services:
- Line maintenance on jets
- 100 hour inspections
- Annual inspections
- General maintenance
Ralph can perform additional mechanical services upon request. Give him a call at 719-221-2743.